Signs of Alcohol Dependence: I Think Im Addicted to Painkillers?

Question by Shane: i think im addicted to painkillers?
ive had arthritis in my spine and hip for about 5 years now (i’m 17) and i take co codemel. if i dont take co codemel i simply can not walk. recently i have had a pain in my neck which doesnt feel like arthritis pain but still the co codemel takes the pain away. I cant walk or move my head unless i take my pills. but i havent stopped taking them for almost 3 weeks. i dont feel like i need to take them but i cant cope (pain wise) without them. i read online that if you feel you need to take more pills to make the pain stop its a sign of addiction and thats how i feel

Best answer:

Answer by Jen S
you should stop. you are still young..

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