Alcoholism Disease: US Congressman Radel Arrested for Cocaine

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US congressman Radel arrested for cocaine
Filed under: alcoholism disease

"I struggle with the disease of alcoholism, and this led to an extremely irresponsible choice," he said. "I am disappointed in myself, and I stand ready to face the consequences of my actions." The charge carries a maximum of 180 days in prison and/or …


Florida Congressman Charged With Drug Possession
Filed under: alcoholism disease

In a statement expressing regret, the 37-year-old Republican freshman lawmaker said he struggles with alcoholism and intends to seek treatment and counseling. Radel made no mention of his political future but said he had made an “extremely …


Report: Radel nabbed in federal sting
Filed under: alcoholism disease

After he was charged Tuesday, Radel said he has struggled with alcoholism and will seek treatment. “I'm profoundly sorry to let down my family, particularly my wife and son, and the people of Southwest Florida. I struggle with the disease of alcoholism …


US Rep. Trey Radel pleads guilty to cocaine possession, sentenced to probation
Filed under: alcoholism disease

A first-term congressman from south Florida, Radel said in a statement that he "struggle[s] with the disease of alcoholism, and this led to an extremely irresponsible choice." The congressman further said he intended to seek treatment and counseling.


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