What Is Really Going on With Demi Lovato? No Insults Toward Her Please, Just Answer…?

Question by ??????: What is really going on with Demi Lovato? No insults toward her please, just answer…?
I’ve heard that she cuts herself, she does drugs, that she’s pregnant, and has a problem with alcohol… Does anyone know any of them that are true? Or what is really up? My friend said that she hear on 3 different radio stations that she does cocaine but I don’t know if to believe that or not…. thanks in advanced?

Best answer:

Answer by Hannah
nnnooooo dont believe everything they say she only knows

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tea Party Florida congressman to be arraigned on drug charge
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In a statement Radel apologized to his family and constituents in southwest Florida, saying that he struggled "with the disease of alcoholism, and this led to an extremely irresponsible choice." Radel, a freshman member of Congress who calls himself a …


DC lagoon hearing co-leader Radel charged with cocaine possession
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In a statement expressing regret, the 37-year-old Republican freshman lawmaker said Tuesday he struggles with alcoholism and intends to seek treatment and counseling. Authorities allege that Radel, who co-hosted an October Washington, D.C., meeting on …


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