Is Okay for Parents to Occasionally Drink and Use Drugs?
Question by : Is okay for parents to occasionally drink and use drugs?
I have a friend who goes out with her husband once a month and they drink while her mom watches their child. Recently she told me that two or three times a year, they will do crystal meth. I don’t have any reason to believe she does it more often than that or that she is addicted or anything. She is a great mom to her child but this troubles me. Should I call child protective services or something?
Best answer:
Answer by Funny!
wow so stupid and these people are married and have kids.. lord help us.
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Players: Hazing culture in NFL, beyond has to change
Filed under: alcohol abuse use
But a league spokesman suggested the NFL, at its annual rookie symposium, will further stress hazing prevention and the need to report incidents to coaches and club executives, and perhaps use examples such as the death of Florida A&M drum major Robert …
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Filed under: alcohol abuse use
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