Alcoholism: The Mountain by Drusilla Modjeska

The Mountain by Drusilla Modjeska
Filed under: Alcoholism

My Rating: A novel as intricate and powerful as the bark-cloth paintings at its heart’ — Anna FunderIn 1968 Papua New Guinea is on the brink of independence, and everything is about to change. Amidst the turmoil filmmaker Leonard arrives from England with his Dutch wife, Rika, to study and film an


Wireless Internet For Idiots
Filed under: Alcoholism

I was reading a Huffington Post article my friend posted. This alone is insignificant. Hold on, the point is coming. The article was 12 steps to get out of your mid-life crisis. There were a few things on this list that caught my attention and I wonder how I would go about doing them. Especially num


Happy Artists: New Research Finds that Artists Are Happier Than the Rest of Us
Filed under: Alcoholism

Reblogged from Creativity & Innovation: Artists have a reputation for being unhappy and depressed. We tend to believe that artists are more likely to have mental illness than the rest of us–whether depression, bipolar disorder, alcoholism, and even suicide. But many scientists have claimed just the


The Life of a Chef
Filed under: Alcoholism

” The term Chef literally means ‘the chief’ in French. Every kitchen has a chef or executive chef who is responsible for the operations of the entire kitchen. A commonly misused term in English. Not every cook is a chef” -What’s Cooking America My world of food is much different than your world. I c


Review: Workers Union Ensemble at LSO St Lukes and Michael Bonaventure’s Automatronic Concert at St Laurence’s, Catford
Filed under: Alcoholism

I had the chance this last weekend to see two very stimulating concerts of new music. Being closer to London these days certainly has its advantages. On Saturday, the Workers Union Ensemble presented the culmination of their Constructing a Repertoire initiative. The ensemble is an unusual one: oboe,


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