Alcoholism: Crazy Talk

Crazy Talk
Filed under: Alcoholism

When many people think of an alcoholic, an image of a skid-row bum with a brown paper bag comes to mind. They seldom picture a face like this to be associated with alcoholism, let alone mental illness: And yet, I am all those things and much more. I was diagnosed with manic depression (also known as


Filed under: Alcoholism

An uncommonly interesting idea gets wasted in this halfhearted ‘Problem Pic’ on alcoholism. A shame, since the basic idea of an AA guy getting emotionally involved on a mentoring assignment, then cheating on his wife and his sobriety is a good one. We see how finding someone who understands what he’


Public Health – A tax on sugary drinks
Filed under: Alcoholism

This week’s BMJ cover raises the possibility of taxing sugary drinks. All health care systems in the developed world are under pressure because of ageing populations, the cost of new medical discoveries and of course increasing levels of obesity. Obesity increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes


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