Rehab Clinics Cut Off for Questionable Billing Still Reaped Federal Funds

Alcohol Abuse Charts in the News

Rehab Clinics Cut Off for Questionable Billing Still Reaped Federal Funds
Filed under: alcohol abuse charts

Carol Silva was the clinical director at Reseda Substance Abuse Treatment Center for four months ending in 2009. She says she …. Then, during a January 2011 inspection, an auditor photocopied nine client charts missing required signatures. When the …


Lauren Alaina Shares Brave New Song About Family Alcoholism
Filed under: alcohol abuse charts

The country chart is currently riddled with a ridiculous number of pro-alcohol — bordering on pro-alcoholism — anthems. If you listen to the format much lately, it could be described as "same hour, different drinking song." Ready or not, Alaina's …


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Filed under: alcohol abuse charts

Barbara Kopple's documentary tells the story of the Hemingway family, concentrating mainly on its history of depression and substance abuse, and on the sisters Mariel, who works in suicide prevention, and Margaux, a supermodel who committed suicide in …


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