Pregnant Women Who Abuse Drugs, Alcohol Need Compassion, Not Stigma From

Alcohol Abuse Health Effects in the News

Pregnant women who abuse drugs, alcohol need compassion, not stigma from
Filed under: alcohol abuse health effects

But a new report says women with substance abuse problems should be treated with compassion by health providers and society at large, especially during pregnancy, because addiction is a brain disorder and not a personal failing. “It's harmful for us to …


New Health Affairs: Issues Facing The Health Care Workforce
Filed under: alcohol abuse health effects

The issues plaguing the mental health and substance abuse workforce won't get fixed without real leadership from the federal government. In this commentary, Michael A. Hoge of the Yale School of Medicine and coauthors summarize the substantial and …


Adderall abusers hurt prescribed users
Filed under: alcohol abuse health effects

The University Health Center has already taken strides to stop the abuse of Adderall by enforcing the rule that students must be evaluated off the campus to acquire a prescription for the drug. And because … It measured that the most common second …


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