St. Louis County Police Chief Wants to Carry Heroin Antidote in Cars
Alcoholism Withdrawal Symptoms in the News
St. Louis County police chief wants to carry heroin antidote in cars
Filed under: alcoholism withdrawal symptoms
He said the nasal spray was more quickly absorbed than the injection alternative, and warned that it could send an addict into severe withdrawal symptoms. “But acute withdrawal is preferred to not breathing,” he added. “And if you're not breathing …
Blood Pressure Pills Could Reduce Risk For Alzheimer's
Filed under: alcoholism withdrawal symptoms
Thank your lucky pills if you have high blood pressure. Certain medications for hypertension may help reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer's. Older Americans between ages 75 and 96, with normal cognition, were found to have half the risk of …
New Maryland mental health initiative focuses on identifying and treating …
Filed under: alcoholism withdrawal symptoms
Sufferers often withdraw socially, abandon activities they once enjoyed and have trouble functioning normally. The majority of people afflicted with psychoses never commit violent acts, … But psychosis does leave sufferers at higher-than-normal risk …
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