How Do I (As the Fiance) Support My Recovering Alcoholic Boyfriend?
Question by Nikki: How do I (as the fiance) support my recovering alcoholic boyfriend?
My fiance just got out of rehab a few days ago and is almost 1 month clean. Currently he is “on fire for being sober” and attending lots of AA meetings and whatnot but what can I, as the woman he loves do for him? Are there any recovering alcoholics out there that can offer specific ways they like being supported/helped. I am looking into Al-Anon meetings and will start those soon, so any other suggestions would be great! Thank you :)
Best answer:
Answer by KS
Go to meetings with him, you yourself stay away from alcohol, slowly learn to trust him, and he will nee to have an out if you go to places where there is alcohol, and if that makes you the bad guy by saying we have to leave now so be it, you know like birthdays, xmas etc, you make an appearance, and then when it starts to get intense you have to get out. You have to be the stronger of the two….
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