Sport’s Dilemma Solution for All

Sport’s Dilemma Solution For All
Filed under: Alcoholism

The Washington Redskin football team is brawl in a controversy name which is consider an offense slur by most Native-Americans and the like. We are a nation of immigrants which is uniquely America. It is time to recognize our uniqueness and correct the wrongs that causes any among us discomfort. Nat


Environmental Collapse: The Sixth Stage Of Collapse
Filed under: Alcoholism

Oldspeak: Dmitri Orlov is back with a brilliant addendum to his eerily prescient 2008 “ The Five Stages Of Collapse“. Writing about the all important stage of collapse he’d neglected to mention then. Indeed, it is the only problem left worth preparing for. At the end of this stage Environmental Coll


With friends like these…
Filed under: Alcoholism

Last week I watched a movie called ‘The Last Ride’ about the last 2 days of the life of Hank Williams. It’s New Year’s Eve and his caretaker of the moment hires a young mechanic named Silas to drive ‘Mr Wells’ to West Virginia for a show. At the first of the show it is apparent the kid does not know


Peacde Corps Halloween Party
Filed under: Alcoholism

I attended the Peace Corps Halloween Party last night and here are a couple pics. The first one is a photo of Corps volunteers who have finished their work and are presently doing NGO work in the UB. Cliff, the fellow on the left, is from Chicago, and I am not sure about the others. All were assigne


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