Filed under: Alcoholism

Literature must mimic real life events in order to make the entertainment compelling and believable to the reader. The same is true for visual media. The classic format for story telling is the epic journey. It is based upon man’s innate desire to move about the world. Humanity’s survival depended u


Filed under: Alcoholism

Dear Mr. President Barack H Obama: I do believe, there should be some new by-laws passed… to curb addictions and even death, caused by risky behavior. Last year because of economic conditions in Russia… there was a high mortality rate, due toward “alcoholism.” This is just one by-law that should be


Carry On, Warrior
Filed under: Alcoholism

SB and I both recently read Glennon Melton’s memoir, Carry on, Warrior: Thoughts on Life Unarmed. We loved it. I had listened to her interviewed and was skeptical of the hype. But I’m so glad I read it. The book was refreshing and helpful to me in many ways–I think it’s a very important book for wom


Average is Over: Morlocks and Eloi
Filed under: Alcoholism

From Michael Barone’s review of Tyler Cowan’s near-futurist Average is Over. Cowan is the author of the blog, Marginal Revolution. The big winners in the economy he foresees will be those who can work with and harness machine intelligence and those who can manage and market such people. Such “hyperp


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