I Think I Might Have Depression/be Depressed?

Question by Scarlett: I think I might have depression/be depressed?
I don’t know exactly when it started, but I am 14 and I just hate my life. I cut my thighs/hips. I cry all the time even for no reason. I don’t know why, but I feel guilty because I know people have it much worse than me. My dad is an alcoholic ever since I can remember, and he is ALWAYS drunk. Always. My parents split when I was mayb in 5th grade, and now I am in 8th grade. I remember one time me and my sister had to pull my parents apart because my dad was choking my mom. I remember one time my dad was threatning my mom with a broom and then my mom said “Scarlett, help!” And I tried to come in but my dad pushed me away. He doesn’t live with us anymore, but he drops by every once in a while…When he isn’t drunk he is actually kind and funny. But he never gives me a christmas or a birthday gift… This year on my birthday in March, he was in my driveway when i came home on my birthday. I thought maybe he came for my birthday! I was really happy. But then as I was walking up to him he said “why do you have a cake in your hand?” It. was. my. birthday. Thanks for remembering “dad…” I tried to act like I didn’t care, but it really hurt me. No matter how much I hate him, he could at least remember my birthday… I’m sorry I am ranting on..
He also doesn’t pay child support anymore and my mom is a single mom who tries her best. But it is just hard sometimes when I can’t do all the other things my rich friends can.
My teacher this year causes so much stress on me. He hates me, he makes my life a living hell and I absoloutly despise coming to school.
I used to be a straight A student, and now I get c’s and I failed like 5 tests in the past 2 monthes… I don’t even care about school at all anymore. I don’t try, I don’t do my homework and I don’t work.
I used to be really athletic and tried out and made every sports team! I loved sports. Now I don’t try out for anything, and I really don’t have an intrest in it anymore. I lost intrest in so many things I used to love to do. I used to watch tv, and play video games. Now I just sit in my room, or reblog on my depressing tumblr. I also used to like texting my friends and my crush, now I just stare blankly at their text and I don’t know how to respond.
I have friends, I don’t get bullied, I have a wonderful mom and a really nice sister. So why do I feel this way? I don’t even try anymore. I cry randomly and sometimes just tear up in class. I feel worthless and hopeless.. But im also really insecure about the way I look.. I can’t help but think ugly. ugly ugly, worthless worthless worthless, stupid stupid stupid.
I have seriously considered suicide. I have planned out suicide notes in my head, and thought of the way I would kill myself. Im not ready yet, but I just can;t handle it anymore. What is the point of life? You go to school, you work, you become old and cant do shit. What is the fun in that? Life is so stressful. Cutting helps me relieve all of the horrible thoughts that are constantly in my mind. Last night i was in my room from 9-11 pm. I had bad feelings in my head, i cut and all of it went away. As soon as i stopped cutting, they all came back and i lay in my bed until i cried myself to sleep. No one understands how I feel. Do i have depression or something? I could never tell my mom to take me to a doctor or anything… Thanks! Sorry for wasting your time, I just feel alone and have to let out how i feel.

Best answer:

Answer by Happy & Healthy
Try to stay positive and relax. It will get better. Millions of people are just like you some of them keep going strong while the other just sit there and do nothing. For the people who keep going they find success in family, friends, other relationship.

What you need is someone that are professional and experience that you can share your feeling to and talk about it and let it out. Counseling or school counseling can be of help for sure. I been there before. Trust me no matter the situation just you sharing your thought and feeling and express it out in counseling and you know people will listen and wanted to help you that make you feel better already. You can make new friends in counseling to you never know. But be smart though and see if the person you can relate to safely or not. Very important that you give counseling a try.

Tomorrow I want you to get active and exercise. Trust me it can help you so much with your mind and emotion! The key is to not give up and feel discourage. Is to do it regularly then you will feel different about your mood and behavior. You feel more in control and be more happier with life.

I’m not talking about regular dancing, skateboarding or sport kind of exercise. Yeah those are beneficial to but won’t help you as much as old school resistant strength training combine with cardio like running non stop for 20 to 30 minute straight cardio and strength training like doing something that is anerobic. Exercise is more powerful than people think. You’ll be thrill to find out the benefits. Give it 4 to 5 days a week of 20 to 30 minute combine with resistant training and cardio each day for 2 weeks I guarantee you will be like a new person. More happier and calmer despite any cirmcumstances. It seems like a joke but do it daily you’ll be amazed on how calm and focus and positive you can be! Exercise release the natural pain killer and mood enhancer called endorphin helping with anxiety, depression, anger, you name it. Watch your diet. Stay away from junk, caffeine, alcohol, drugs, and other stimulant. Be very careful with prescription drugs. Eat plenty of fresh fruits. The power of exercising along with healthy diet is an amazing cure for most of our problems but sadly most people take it for granted. So give it a try for 2 months I’ll bet you’ll be amazed how exercise and healthy diet can help you with your problems significantly.

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