How to Defeat the Negative Schizophrenia Symptoms

How to Defeat the Negative Schizophrenia Symptoms

The question of how to defeat the negative schizophrenia symptoms is one that those suffering from schizophrenia, along with those close to them need an answer to, since this disease is the one that affects an enormous number of people. The fact that daily tasks are difficult to complete or even start for that matter can make life seem frantic to them. They will often become discouraged at getting through the day due to the symptoms seeming to sneak up on them out of no where. There are things that can be done to live a fuller life and make those chaotic days a memory.

Defeating the negative symptoms of schizophrenia begins with education about the symptoms and illness itself. Personal hygiene and social interaction are affected by the negative schizophrenia symptoms. How to defeat the negative schizophrenia symptoms that have an affect on your hygiene can be done by making them part of the list that you make yourself for the day so that you remember to do them.

Making a list of the things that you wish to accomplish during the day will make life easier since your thoughts will be organized in one place. Everything that you do during the day can be put into a schedule to help you remember to do them each day. The major tasks that you have to do during the day can be put onto the list and broken down into smaller tasks. When you completed a task on the list and mark it off it will make you feel a sense of accomplishment since you can easily see the progress that you are making during the day.

Defeating the negative symptoms of schizophrenia will require the help of those around you to increase your chances. Educating family and friends about the symptoms will enable them to help you will the symptoms. They can help you to recognize when you are starting to fall into the patterns of the negative schizophrenia symptoms and you can stop them before they occur. Only by recognizing the symptoms and their triggers can you defeat the negative schizophrenia symptoms.

Journaling is another way that you can defeat the negative schizophrenia symptoms. One of the negative symptoms is becoming angry for no feasible reason. Journaling can give you an outlet for those feelings and allow you to see the situations that lead up to the feelings that you are experiencing. When you have a place to put all of your feelings without fear of judgment you will be less likely to hold back.

When you have identified the triggers of the negative schizophrenia symptoms you will be able to avoid some of the situations and better handle some of those that you can not. There will be patterns, no matter how minor, that develop with the negative symptoms. When you notice that certain things in your home give you a negative reaction or being around certain people give you a negative reaction you can work on changing it.

Determining how to defeat the negative schizophrenia symptoms is not going to be easy. It is going to require dedication and support to getting better. Joining a support group can help you to find others that are suffering from the same symptoms and allow you to witness how they have dealt with them. The feelings of being alone that develop when you withdraw from society can be helped by joining a support group as well.

When you defeat the negative schizophrenia symptoms you will find that you are able to live a happier, fuller life and even enjoy some of the things that you did prior to your illness. Defeating the negative schizophrenia symptoms means that you will be able to do the simple things that you once found difficult again and your hygiene will no longer be the subject of conversation making you feel more confident about yourself.

Ronen David is the chairman of “Malam” (an Israeli organization supporting and representing those dealing with mental disabilities). He is the author of the “How to Cope With Psychosis & Schizophrenia Self Help Handbook”.
Visit his web site and learn aboutSchizophrenia Symptoms

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