Video Game Addiction Risk-Factors Pinpointed by New Study

Signs Of Alcohol Use in the News

Video Game Addiction Risk-Factors Pinpointed by New Study
Filed under: signs of alcohol use

The study found that “problematic” video game use can have similar effects as other addictive activities, such as abusing alcohol. Given the risk factors identified in the study, it's not surprising that Hilgard and his colleagues view MMOs as the most …


Reviews round-up
Filed under: signs of alcohol use

The story finds Danny Torrance, having escaped from the Overlook Hotel and inherited his father's alcohol addiction, attending AA meetings and working as an orderly in a hospice. He has retained his ability to “shine” and can therefore offer the …


Romantic Comedy Goes Like This
Filed under: signs of alcohol use

This post is part of a collaborative narrative series composed of my writing and Chris Arnade's photos exploring issues of addiction, poverty, prostitution and urban anthropology in Hunts Point, Bronx. For more on the series, look here. … Clinical …


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