What Are Some of the Pro’s and Con’s of Becoming a Vegitarian?

Question by Christy ?: What are some of the Pro’s and Con’s of becoming a vegitarian?
Im thinking about becoming a vegitarian
but im afraid it might have some bad side effects to it?
like i always love eating and I am skinny but et im always hungry
i think I could go without eating meat though?

*If I do become a vegitarian what are some of the things I should eat/drink to keep me healthy

Best answer:

Answer by Lisa
I have been a vegetarian for about 6 years. it is great! i still eat eggs, cheese and some yogurt. there are different types of vegetarians. some dont eat eggs and dairy, some just eat fish. some eat no animal products whatsoever. so your first step is deciding on what you will and won’t eat.

The pros are: it is easier on your digestive system to not eat meat. your cholesterol should be lower. vegetarians typically have a less fatty diet. the protein that you eat as a vegetarian is a healthier protein.

The cons: it can be hard to give up meat. some restaurants still don’t offer things for vegetarians.

As a vegetarian, you NEED to make sure you still get protein and calcium. i eat alot of soy, tofu, beans, peanut butter, nuts and some other things. that is the best way to get protein. i use soy milk in cereal and coffee, and cooking. it takes some getting used to, but once you are used to it, it is fine. there are also lots of meat substitutes like Boca and Morningstar Farms that make veggie burgers, chicken nuggets, hotdogs, sausages, all kinds of things. some are good, some are not so good. you have to keep trying! good luck! i hope this helps!

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