Oklahoma's Alcohol-Related Traffic Crash Deaths Are Up

Causes Of Alcoholism in the News

Oklahoma's alcohol-related traffic crash deaths are up
Filed under: causes of alcoholism

Oklahoma Watch examined various data sets that track causes of traffic fatalities, but did not find any large differences between Oklahoma and U.S. figures. For instance, the percentages of U.S. and Oklahoma drivers in fatality accidents without …


A conversation with Patrick Kennedy: Ex-congressman still fights for mental
Filed under: causes of alcoholism

That's not to add all the others who die and there's no known cause. Q: And also the illnesses that are secondary … And yet our medical system will reimburse for the diabetes but it won't reimburse for the alcoholism. We're in the year 2013, and it's …


Kathryn Schulz on Doctor Sleep, Stephen King's The Shining Sequel
Filed under: causes of alcoholism

Tom Sawyer, which is seldom billed as horror fiction, contains a scene in a cave that caused me to levitate. Various collected works left me jumpy for months—thank you, Trixie Belden, Agatha Christie, Arthur Conan … Jack, a recovering alcoholic and …


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