Male Veteran Speaks Out on Rape, Attempted Suicide

Dealing With An Alcoholic Family Member in the News

Male veteran speaks out on rape, attempted suicide
Filed under: dealing with an alcoholic family member

In May, the Pentagon released results of an anonymous survey on sexual assault: Twenty-six thousand service members reported that they had been sexually assaulted or harassed in 2012, up from 19,000 the previous year. Women get most of the attention on …


'Boardwalk Empire' Season 4 Recap: “Acres of Diamonds”
Filed under: dealing with an alcoholic family member

This time, we get a frank admission that the bootlegging money isn't worth the risk — right before our hero agrees to a massive, probably ill-fated offloading deal on the Florida coast. One step forward, two gigantic leaps back. That offloading deal …


Tragedy strikes UC, Miami, Hamilton
Filed under: dealing with an alcoholic family member

Officials believe alcohol may have been involved in the crash, which threw two of the young men from the vehicle and trapped the other two. As of Sunday afternoon, officials had not verified which teen was driving. … “He worked hard and had shown a …


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