Alcoholism: 2013.09.14 Holy Cross Day

2013.09.14 Holy Cross Day
Filed under: Alcoholism

Holy Cross Day is a red letter day on the liturgical calendar, meaning it is a major feast day with its own Collect and set of biblical readings. It’s a day set aside to remember, exaltation the calendar says, the Holy Cross. When we were in Jerusalem at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher we saw what


“You can only help those who want to help themselves”
Filed under: Alcoholism

“You can only help those who want to help themselves” was a saying that used to drive me batty when I was a teenager. My mother used it on many occasions to motivate me to get things done on my own or on the other hand to not expect a change in someone I’d helped because they were not going to help


Travels with Ena: Home Stays – Part 1
Filed under: Alcoholism

For there were also days of immense joy and tranquility at Alu. I have never found Colombo congenial, and from childhood on I would spend weeks during vacations with friends and relations who lived outside the capital. My favourite refuge was the Old Place in Kurunegala, but I also spent many happy


Black and white films
Filed under: Alcoholism

Originally published at bankrupt artist v.3. Please leave any comments there. There’s a long list of films that were made before I was born that I’d like to get around to watching. Today started with two Billy Wilder films starring Jack Lemmon; ‘The Apartment’ and ‘Some Like It Hot.’ They’re both te


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