My Partner Is an Alcoholic, Should I Leave Him

My partner is an alcoholic, should I leave him

If you are living with an alcoholic you have probably been told that you should leave him/her, get out, run, throw him/her out or some advice like that. In t…


9 Smart Tips for Overcoming a Weight Loss Plateau
Filed under: coping with an alcoholic

Q: What's the deal with this 'Social Sharing' box I see on articles and videos? What's it do? A. You can now automatically share with your friends everything you're reading and watching on Babble — no more extra clicks or updates to inform your …


Can a Court Sentence People to Religious 12-Step Program?
Filed under: coping with an alcoholic

If you've never been to Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, or a similar 12-step recovery program, you may not realize that these organizations are all, at their heart, deeply religious. While they don't endorse any particular sect or …


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