Alcohol Abuse: ACA Turns Drug, Alcohol Addiction Into Chronic Disease –

ACA turns drug, alcohol addiction into chronic disease –
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

ACA turns drug, alcohol addiction into chronic disease
ICD-10 and Stage 2 of the EHR Incentive Programs might be rocking the boat in 2014, but one of the biggest impacts of healthcare reform might be something that's flying under the radar. Along with the millions of new patients expected to enter the

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Danvers Receives 5K Federal Grant for Alcohol, Drug Abuse Prevention –
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Danvers Receives $ 125K Federal Grant for Alcohol, Drug Abuse Prevention
Danvers is among five cities and town on the North Shore that will receive federal grant money this year for local alcohol and drug abuse prevention efforts. The $ 125,000 grant for Danvers goes to DanversCARES and is just the first installment of



Student Perceptions About Campus Drinking Policies and Potential Impact on … – Student Pulse
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Student Perceptions About Campus Drinking Policies and Potential Impact on
Student Pulse
Despite stringent drinking policies among various colleges and universities, inappropriate alcohol consumption continues to persist among college students (e.g., DeJong, Towvim, & Schneider, 2007; Lavigne, Witt, Wood, Laforge, & DeJong, 2008; Turner, 
Please, Tax My BeerPacific Standard

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