Road Outside Sharples School Is Dangerous, Residents Say
Abuse Warning Signs in the News
Road outside Sharples School is dangerous, residents say
Filed under: abuse warning signs
But when I say something to the drivers, all I get back is a load of abuse.Most of the time I can't get in or out. It's a nightmare.” Highways bosses will now visit the school. … “Given the traffic calming measures that are already present in the …
Resilience, seeking help to prevent suicide is 'sign of strength'
Filed under: abuse warning signs
“Resilience and seeking assistance is a sign of strength, and supporting those in need of help is an Army value,” she said. With strong relationships, members are more able to pick up on warning signs in others or seek help for themselves, she said …
SUICIDE: Understanding the pain, shame & blame cycle for those left behind
Filed under: abuse warning signs
Societal issues are recognized as contributory — poverty, abuse, lack of access to mental health resources. But there are still more troubling details that need to be pieced together to formulate an emerging picture, revealing the lifestyle … The …
Highlights from the 2012 Leadership Institute on Preventing Child Abuse & Neglect
Highlights from the 2012 Leadership Institute on Preventing Child Abuse & Neglect, Sept. 11-13, 2012, at the Charleston Civic Center, Charleston, WV. Comment…
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