Alcoholism: Los Efectos De La Música en Nuestras Vidas

Los efectos de la música en nuestras vidas
Filed under: Alcoholism

1. Mejora el vocabulario. De acuerdo con una reciente revisión publicada en la revista Nature Reviews Neuroscience por Nina Kraus, de la Universidad Northwester (EE UU), durante el entrenamiento musical para tocar un instrumento se establecen conexiones neuronales que mejoran también otros aspectos


Filed under: Alcoholism

Boy George There is a brand new superbaby among us – George Alexander Louis Windsor. Naturally that has Briton’s excited because it means that their longest running reality show is good for possibly 3 more installments – Charles through Baby George. It looked rough there for a whole cause public res


An Announcement (and assorted ponderings)
Filed under: Alcoholism

They (the anonymous ‘they’ who are always quoted when deferential authority is required) say that Honesty Is The Best Policy. Honesty is one of the things I’ve tried to nurture here (okay, not with the Making You Feel posts – they’re totally to pull the wool over your eyes, but that’s fiction for ya


Round 5: Artist Claims
Filed under: Alcoholism

Artist Claims 1. Title: Dream. Sleep. Repeat. Series: Star Trek: the Original Series Characters/Pairings: Kirk/Spock Warnings: mention of torture and Tarsus IV Rating: PG-13 Summary: After being tortured and kidnapped, Kirk can’t sleep and Spock helps. When Enterprise continues its five-year mission


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