Medical Names & Faces

Alcoholic Meetings in the News

Medical Names & Faces
Filed under: alcoholic meetings

Yan's previous research interests involve exploring the role of the enteric microbiome in the progression of alcoholic liver disease. He has presented at national scientific meetings and has written and co-authored peer-reviewed articles in the field …


Secret Teacher: TV shows about schools keep missing the mark
Filed under: alcoholic meetings

From the over-sexed PE teacher to the chain-smoking, alcoholic head, where have all these far-fetched dramatisations of life in school come from? Share · Tweet this. Email …. with TV companies. Although he'll have to bring his marking along to meetings.


The Miami Herald Greg Cote column
Filed under: alcoholic meetings

Mike Tyson revealed that he is a "vicious alcoholic." Remember when personal problems were, well, personal? –Only two … I feel like that association would have interesting board meetings. –NFL plans to place cameras inside locker rooms and start …


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