Alcoholic Behavior Symptoms: Shared Traits in Depression, Anxiety, and Alcohol Addiction

Alcoholic Behavior Symptoms in the News

Shared Traits in Depression, Anxiety, and Alcohol Addiction
Filed under: alcoholic behavior symptoms

Understanding how each of these individual traits influences psychological symptoms is a critical component in the design and delivery of treatments. For instance, interventions for depression/anxiety could focus on decreasing negative emotional traits …


New drug treatment clinic to open
Filed under: alcoholic behavior symptoms

Muskingum Behavioral Health Director Steve Carrel has been vocal about the lack of available local services due to funding cuts and has been a driving force behind the Coalition for a Healthy and Drug-Free Muskingum County, which aims to help identify …


Alcohol abuse, eating disorders share genetic link
Filed under: alcoholic behavior symptoms

Studying data gathered from nearly 6,000 adult twins in Australia, Munn-Chernoff and her colleagues found that common genetic factors underlie alcoholism and certain eating-disorder symptoms, such as binge eating and purging habits that include …


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