Lyme Disease Symptoms: What You Need to Know About Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease Symptoms in the News

What you need to know about Lyme disease
Filed under: lyme disease symptoms

For years, Lyme disease has been underdiagnosed, and the latest numbers from the Centers for Disease Control indicate incidences are much higher than previously thought. The typical bulls-eye rash is often accompanied by symptoms such as body aches …


Lyme disease on rise in Illinois
Filed under: lyme disease symptoms

Lyme disease — known by its bull's-eye-shaped rash and flu-like symptoms — usually can be treated successfully with antibiotics, medical experts say. But without proper medical attention, the disease can cause lasting, severe problems like arthritis, …


Teacher overcomes chronic Lyme disease
Filed under: lyme disease symptoms

It was the culmination of months of illness and periodic paralysis of various limbs, symptoms of what her doctor has diagnosed as chronic Lyme disease. Chronic Lyme disease is not recognized by many in the medical community. And while Downing has …


Cain one of four county residents contracting Lyme's this year
Filed under: lyme disease symptoms

He had no idea that he was going to become a member of a not so exclusive group of people as previously thought – one of 300,000 Americans each year who contract Lyme disease. Until this month's report by the Centers … Doctors expect him to make a …


Lyme Disease – Lyme Treatment

eHealthOptions presents alternative for Lyme disease. Lyme Disease is a bacterial infection caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and contracted from …


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