How Long Would It Take for the Metabolite Benzoylecgonine to Get Out of Both Your Urine and Blood?

Question by Victor: How long would it take for the metabolite benzoylecgonine to get out of both your urine and blood?
I am 19 years of age,I was drinking at the time and realize it wasn’t the smartest decision,and i heard alcohol makes the metabolite stay longer,it has been two weeks since the intake, I have been drinking about a bottle of water on the daily bases,I’m a male,5’8″ and weigh 175lbs
I have not been working out or trying to sweat it out,I am taking a mandatory drug test in about a day and wanted to know if I am going to be able to pass the test

Best answer:

Answer by Chris
This takes about 12 days for the metabolite to get out of your system. Do NOT take this drug test because if you fail then the world could come to an end.

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