Teenage Alcohol Abuse Facts: Black Teens in Oklahoma Murder White Australian Jogger for Sport

Teenage Alcohol Abuse Facts in the News

Black teens in Oklahoma murder white Australian jogger for sport
Filed under: teenage alcohol abuse facts

A Hispanic guy shot a black teenager in self-defense, and it was proof that America hasn't gotten any better since Emmett Till was murdered. Whereas the following story, which is literally an international incident, has no significance beyond the …


Pat Buchanan blames 'de-Christianized' country for 'racial' Chris Lane shooting
Filed under: teenage alcohol abuse facts

On Fox News Channel's “On the Record with Greta van Susteren” on Wednesday, conservative columnist Pat Buchanan weighed in on the murder of Australian baseball player Chris Lane who was allegedly shot and killed last week by three “bored” teenagers …


7 ways booze is more dangerous than pot
Filed under: teenage alcohol abuse facts

“If you're like most Americans, you have been led to believe that marijuana is a dangerous and addictive drug that has destroyed the lives of millions of teens and adults. You have been encouraged to believe that … MPP says its goal is to “wipe the …


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