Alcoholism: Million Dollar Trauma Questions
Million Dollar Trauma Questions
Filed under: Alcoholism
One of those two murderers in a terrible Connecticut triple murder had been adopted. A quote, “He came from a mentally ill birth family and the adoptive family was unskilled in mental health issues.” Ya think? No kidding? Add the inevitable trauma into the mix for good measure. Yet the older accompl …
The Long Exile
Filed under: Alcoholism
Veering a bit off-topic here with Melanie McGrath’s The Long Exile (2008, Vintage) but if you read White Heat and enjoyed it, then it is worth reading this true story of how the Inuit ended up on Ellesmere Island. McGrath is a journalist by trade, so knows a good story when she sees one. And the cir …
??????? ??????? ?? ??????.
Filed under: Alcoholism
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Michelene Sutherland : goodbye
Filed under: Alcoholism
The truth is the same truth throughout your actions , through your years . You left 4 times to go directly into the arms of another . To prove that ” you have a life” . You have never explained your reasons because you know the grievous wrong in them. They are not actions of honour . They are not ho …
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