Police Target Drugged Driving

Alcohol Abuse In Families in the News

Police target drugged driving
Filed under: alcohol abuse in families

"There are many people out there who may never consume a drop of alcohol, but depending on what drug they choose to ingest, they put themselves and the motoring public in more danger than a person who's drinking when they get behind the wheel …


NVC initiates free detox programme
Filed under: alcohol abuse in families

In an attempt to create awareness and to control increasing drugs and alcohol abuse in the village, Nihokhu Village Council (NVC) has taken a noble initiative to provide free detox medicine at the expense of the council, to those drug users and …


Christie: school employees will get broader mental health coverage in 2014
Filed under: alcohol abuse in families

TRENTON — Beginning in January, the 190,000 members of the School Employee Health Benefits Program and their families will get broader coverage for the treatment of drug and alcohol addiction and mental illness, a state-appointed review committee …


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