Alcohol Abuse: Alcohol Dependence and Bulimia May Share Common Genetic Risk Factors
Alcohol dependence and bulimia may share common genetic risk factors
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse
People who suffer from alcohol addiction may be more vulnerable to certain types of eating disorders – and vice versa. Now, new research indicates this susceptibility may lie in their genetics.
Eating disorders and alcohol abuse 'share genetic factors'
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse
New research from the US suggests that having a genetic risk for alcohol dependence may also put people at higher risk for certain eating disorders, and vice versa. In the September issue of the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis report how they discovered that some of the genes that influence alcohol dependence also …
Common Genes At Root Of Alcohol Abuse And Binge Eating
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse
Lee Rannals for – Your Universe Online Alcoholics and gluttons may have more in common than you might think, according to a new study in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs . Researchers studied nearly 6,000 adult twins and found that people with alcohol dependency may be more genetically susceptible to certain types of eating disorders, such as binge eating or purging …
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