Professional Genealogy Researchers – Strength of Character

Professional Genealogy Researchers – Strength of Character
Filed under: Alcoholism

Grandpa Herman was a “character” as Grandma so humorously portrayed. He worked hard, loved his family and had a fun disposition. One thing not mentioned was that Grandpa struggled with alcoholism. Many of the difficulties experienced in the family were due to this addiction. But, here is where we se


Free Self Help. Free Self Help .._>> Smoking Abstinence Research Receives Major Financi
Filed under: Alcoholism

Free Self Help Free Self Help .._>> Smoking Abstinence Research Receives Major Financi self help gurus | self help seminars | self help works | addiction self help | self help program | self help home | marriage self help | self help sites | self help durham | self help community services | self hel


Things that shit bloggers write about.
Filed under: Alcoholism

Being a shit blogger I thought I’d up my game by researching some of the shit things that shit bloggers write about and try to get some tips. My research methodology was p tested and forest plotted extensively so I knew I was onto a winner before I even started. Lacking any real statistical software


Orignal Fic:Unexpected Gift [Part 2]
Filed under: Alcoholism

Saying I love you didn’t feel right. The words themselves didn’t mean anything; they were just words a lot of people said for no reason, or the wrong reason. Josh didn’t like them, but he did recognize their importance in relationships. His mother said it often and, he assumed, believed that saying


Waiting on Wednesday: Doctor Sleep (The Shining #2) by Stephen King
Filed under: Alcoholism

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where we spotlight upcoming releases that we’re eagerly awaiting. My choice this week is an adult novel, one of my favorite authors, Stephen King, finally has a new book coming out that sounds like one of his old ones that I


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