Alcohol Abuse, Eating Disorders Share Genetic Link

Alcohol Abuse, Eating Disorders Share Genetic Link
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Part of the risk for alcohol dependence is genetic. The same is true for eating disorders. Now researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have found that some of the same genes likely are involved in both. They report that people with alcohol dependence may be more genetically susceptible to certain types of eating disorders and vice versa.


Anti-homophobia policies in schools reduce alcohol abuse for all students: UBC
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

VANCOUVER – Schools with anti-homophobia policies and clubs are safer schools, and safer schools mean students are less likely to abuse alcohol, regardless of their sexual orientation, researchers at the University of British Columbia have found.


Study finds less alcohol abuse in schools with anti-homophobia policies
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

A study by the University of British Columbia concludes that girls of all sexual orientations, as well as straight boys, were less likely to participate in risky alcohol use if their school had introduced anti-homophobia policies or a gay-straight alliance more than three years earlier.


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