Dedicated to Mending Broken Lives

Help For Families Of Alcoholics in the News

Dedicated to mending broken lives
Filed under: help for families of alcoholics

It also offers money management help and family therapy. Pathological gamblers …. But she also found that alcoholics who later relapsed tended to play faster, yet at the same time bet more points, even though sometimes that forces them to wait. So …


Support groups can help with many illnesses
Filed under: help for families of alcoholics

ALANON 'WE CARE': Bristol, Va., Central Presbyterian Church, 301 Euclid Avenue, meets Monday, Wednesday, Saturday, 8 p.m.; for families and friends of alcoholics; Clara 423-878-2831, Jean, 423-989-3953, Linda 423-335-8193 and Mary 423-502-0210.


Daily Calendar 8/19
Filed under: help for families of alcoholics

Support group for spouses, families and friends of alcoholics. Alcoholics Anonymous: 8 p.m., closed meeting, The Salvation Army, Seventh and Market, Beatrice. Tuesday. For the public. Children's Immunization Clinic: 3-7 p.m., Parkview Conference Center …


An East Orange church in need of a miracle
Filed under: help for families of alcoholics

On any given day, the church feeds and clothes the homeless and counsels alcoholics and drug addicts. There are tutoring, assistance for those out of work and referrals for services the church doesn't have. Maurice could only do so much to save the …


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