Signs Alcoholism: Danielle Willard Shooting: Salt Lake City Police 'Not Justified' in Woman's …
Signs Alcoholism in the News
Danielle Willard Shooting: Salt Lake City Police 'Not Justified' In Woman's …
Filed under: signs alcoholism
Two Utah police officers have been deemed "not justified" in the shooting death of a woman last year, and will face criminal investigation, according to the Salt Lake district attorney. Detectives Shaun Cowley and Kevin Salmon claim they shot Danielle …
Fewer states holding alcohol retailers responsible for harms from illegal service
Filed under: signs alcoholism
RBS practices include instituting effective ID checks, training staff on identifying signs of intoxication and discontinuing marketing practices that encourage intoxication, among others. The report found that only six states had adopted the RBS …
Rock music and Perestroika in the USSR
Filed under: signs alcoholism
Soviet film “Assa” (1987) directed by Sergei Solovyov and shot in the main Soviet movie studio “Mosfilm” became one of signs of Russian rock music's mainstream recognition. Its soundtrack was based on various rock tunes from underground bands, while …
Walmart blasts The Nation's living wage hypocrisy
Filed under: signs alcoholism
“The Nation—'America's leading progressive print and online magazine'—recently encouraged its readers to sign an open letter demanding that Walmart increase wages to $ 12/hour and this article called our company one of the “biggest abusers of low-wage …
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