Chaka Khan Praises Lindsay Lohan for Going to Rehab
Chaka Khan Praises Lindsay Lohan For Going To Rehab
Filed under: Alcoholism
Reported By: Britt L The poster child for a good kid going wrong, Lindsay Lohan, has received tons of support since being released from rehab almost two weeks ago. Fans and celebrities have made it clear that they wish Lohan a speedy recovery back to the friendly-freckled faced red head we all grew …
THROWBACK THURSDAY: “The Rake” by Mary Jo Putney
Filed under: Alcoholism
New weekly feature hosted by Bookfever and Booksane. The point of the meme is to feature books that we’ve read awhile ago, but still adore. In addition, the hosts will be providing a fun question to answer each week. So join in! THROWBACK OF THE WEEK: The Rake by Mary Jo Putney Historical Romance — …
Who Will Weep for the Homosexual?
Filed under: Alcoholism
The question, “Who will weep for the homosexual?” has been ruminating in my mind and heart the last day or so. Is my heart broken for these individuals who through their same-sex thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are longing for a relationship that satisfies? Those with unwanted same-sex attraction …
Filed under: Alcoholism
PURPOSE – (def) an aim or goal in clarity of Being; a direction in which one sets goal, strives, aims their life with intention, determination & mission. To begin with identifying with one’s purpose is understanding energetic language. It involves refinement of our physical bodies, our mind and our …
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