Alcohol Abuse: A Leading Health Issue of Military Veterans – San Francisco Chronicle (Press Release)

Alcohol Abuse: A Leading Health Issue Of Military Veterans – San Francisco Chronicle (press release)
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

San Francisco Chronicle (press release)

Alcohol Abuse: A Leading Health Issue Of Military Veterans
San Francisco Chronicle (press release)
According to a recent study, there is no conclusive proof that there is a link between the military veterans who served in combat overseas and those who suffer from alcohol abuse or depression. Anyone who is experiencing an alcohol dependency issue 
Doctors Should Screen Patients To Reduce AlcoholismVirtual-Strategy Magazine (press release)

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Alaska is No. 1 state for cost of alcohol abuse – Anchorage Daily News
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Press TV

Alaska is No. 1 state for cost of alcohol abuse
Anchorage Daily News
The state-by-state study, released Tuesday, found that health care bills, lost days at work, car crashes and other alcohol-related woes cost $ 1,096 per Alaskan or $ 2.34 per drink. Local city governments, the state and federal government pay two-fifths
CDC: Alcohol Abuse Costs US $ 223.5 Billion Per YearCBS Local
CDC: Excessive alcohol use costing US billions of dollarsPress TV
CDC state data shows high costs due to excessive alcohol
ThinkProgress –Dallas Observer (blog) –
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South Dakota’s Oglala Sioux Tribe legalises alcohol – BBC News
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

BBC News

South Dakota's Oglala Sioux Tribe legalises alcohol
BBC News
A South Dakota Native American tribe ravaged by alcohol abuse has voted to end prohibition, which critics say will only worsen the reservation's problems. In the final result, 1,871 tribe members voted in favour of legalisation and 1,679 against. The

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4 Steps to Deal with an Employee’s Substance Abuse Problem – Entrepreneur
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse


4 Steps to Deal with an Employee's Substance Abuse Problem
Every company should have a written substance use and abuse policy that prohibits using drugs or alcohol during work hours and gives the employer recourse if the employee's performance is being affected by drug or alcohol abuse after-hours. Employees 



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