To the LEFT, to the LEFT
To the LEFT, to the LEFT
Filed under: Alcoholism
No, this isn’t a tribute post to Beyonce. That post will come in due time. HAPPY INTERNATIONAL LEFT-HANDERS DAY!!!! Besides using scissors and spiral notebooks, being left-handed is the bee’s knees. My mom and grandma are both lefties. My best friend is a lefty. And both Alex’s parents are lefties t …
Filed under: Alcoholism
At least in Oregon. I wonder if they report this information to the Feds? Yeah sure they do! here it is: COMING TO A TOWN NEAR YOU SOON! america,freedom,obama,michelle obama, hilary clinton,government,us,military,cpac,pac,senate,congress,committee,irs,benghazi,associated press spying,james rosen spy …
The Scapegoat of the Narcissistic Personality Disordered Mother
Filed under: Alcoholism
Narcissistic Mother’s Rigid Dysfunctional Family Roles © by Gail Meyers The children are assigned rigid roles in dysfunctional families where alcoholism, sexual abuse or mental illness is an everyday reality. Interestingly, a narcissist often marries another narcissist. So an adult child of a narcis …
Essay On Internet Addiction
Filed under: Alcoholism
The UKs genuine provider of custom essays If you atomic number 18 exploitation this resource in your march please remember to human body and address and cite the original work found here(predicate): hypertext transfer protocol:// earnin …
You’re all full of bullshit.
Filed under: Alcoholism
My whole life has been based around this question. Is it bullshit? I have never been one to swallow conventional wisdom whole. As a matter of fact if its conventional wisdom I am immediately suspect that it is bullshit. And I don’t just theorize about this shit. I put it to the test in real life. Yo …
Successful Tim – Alcoholism & Recovery in the Military
It’s been said that, “the military is a breeding grounds for alcoholism”. I’ve heard that since the 1960’s. And, if that be the case, how much more so now in…
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