Alcohol Abuse: Alcohol Abuse Among Children on the Rise – the Press, York

Alcohol abuse among children on the rise – The Press, York
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol abuse among children on the rise
The Press, York
HUNDREDS of young people – including dozens of children – have been admitted to York Hospital for serious alcohol related incidents, the Press can reveal. Over the last year, 33 children and a total of 152 young people under 24, were admitted to



Grant lets MATFORCE expand drug/alcohol abuse education – Prescott Daily Courier
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Prescott Daily Courier

Grant lets MATFORCE expand drug/alcohol abuse education
Prescott Daily Courier
The Arizona Governor's Office for Children, Youth and Families awarded MATFORCE the Parents Commission Grant, enabling MATFORCE to expand its youth and family drug/alcohol abuse educational resources. Parent programs that are designed to 



Cigarette taxation reduces alcohol consumption among vulnerable groups –
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse


Cigarette taxation reduces alcohol consumption among vulnerable groups
Given that smoking and drinking often occur together, a first-of-its-kind study has examined cigarette taxation and found that increases are associated with modest to moderate reductions in alcohol consumption among vulnerable groups. Results will be 
Higher cigarette tax leads to lower alcohol consumption!India.Com Health
Study: Cigarette taxes deter heavy drinkingScience Recorder
Cigarette taxes change drinking –Counsel & Heal –Daily Mail
all 18 news articles »



Your Sweet Tooth May Lead To Alcohol Abuse – PR Web (press release)
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Your Sweet Tooth May Lead To Alcohol Abuse
PR Web (press release)
The results will appear in the December issue of Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research and serve to highlight how consuming sweets may lead to an addiction later on in one's life. Those who feel they are experiencing an alcohol dependency should 
Alcoholism and PTSD Can Be Treated at the Same Time, Study (press release)

all 2 news articles »



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