The Search for Alcoholism’s Miracle Drug – KQED QUEST (Blog)

The Search for Alcoholism’s Miracle Drug – KQED QUEST (blog)
Filed under: Alcoholism

The Search for Alcoholism's Miracle Drug
Joseph McHugh is an artist who lives in San Francisco. Like his father before him, Joe had always been a drinker. But recently, it started to pick up. “It sort of got out of control,” he says. “It wasn't starting at five o'clock, it was starting at



Alcoholism Could Be Linked to a Hyper-Active Brain Dopamine System – Newswise (press release)
Filed under: Alcoholism

Alcoholism Could Be Linked to a Hyper-Active Brain Dopamine System
Newswise (press release)
Newswise — Research from McGill University suggests that people who are vulnerable to developing alcoholism exhibit a distinctive brain response when drinking alcohol, according to a new study by Prof. Marco Leyton, of McGill University's Department

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Brain dopamine may serve as a risk marker for alcohol use disorders – Medical Xpress
Filed under: Alcoholism


Brain dopamine may serve as a risk marker for alcohol use disorders
Medical Xpress
"Previous studies have indicated that drinking an alcoholic beverage can increase striatal dopamine release in humans," said Leyton. "To our knowledge, this is the first study examining the relation between dopamine transmission and the low
Women Who Abuse Alcohol Seek Treatment Sooner Than Men, Study FindsHuffington Post
Women seek alcohol treatment between an average of 4 to 5 years earlier than EurekAlert (press release)
Women Tend to Seek Help for Alcohol Abuse Sooner Than MenU.S. News & World Report

all 5 news articles »



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