Alcoholism: Alcoholism Could Be Linked to a Hyper-Active Brain Dopamine System

Alcoholism could be linked to a hyper-active brain dopamine system
Filed under: Alcoholism

( McGill University ) Research from McGill University suggests that people who are vulnerable to developing alcoholism exhibit a distinctive brain response when drinking alcohol, according to a new study by professor Marco Leyton, of McGill University's Department of Psychiatry. Compared to people at low risk for alcohol-use problems, those at high risk showed a greater dopamine response in a …


What goes around inside an alcoholic's mind
Filed under: Alcoholism

Washington, Aug 10 (ANI): A new study suggests that people who are vulnerable to developing alcoholism exhibit a distinctive brain response when drinking alcohol.


How to live with an alcoholic
Filed under: Alcoholism

ANNE Morshead thought she could cure her husband of alcoholism, but her interference only made things worse. The solution was counterintuitive.        


Africa Has a Drinking Problem
Filed under: Alcoholism

The continent is an emerging market for alcohol companies


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