Alcoholism Articles: Why Do Intelligence and Depression Go Hand in Hand?

Question by blinktwin107: Why do intelligence and depression go hand in hand?
Since middle school ive been considered far above average intelligence by most of my friends and family, although i believe i dont deserve a lot of attention. Im a math and science kind of thinker. My entire dads side of the family is well known for extreme intelligence, manic depression, and alcoholism. I guess god has his ways of evening us all out. Anyway, very frequently i get overwhelmingly depressed with no possible way to make myself feel better. My medication has never worked. It happens mostly when i am alone and bored with my mind unoccupied. In fact, most of my friends and family dont even know about it. I find myself thinking far too deeply about the world in a very negative way. Ive noticed throughout my life and research that intelligence and depression, or some other type of mental disorder, often come hand in hand. Does anyone have insight on why this is true? feel free to talk about it, im trying to keep myself occupied.

Best answer:

Answer by Vote Reptilian
I don’t know, but if you have depression, you are sensing something may be wrong subconsiously that you are not dealing with. It is possible the more intelligent can sense more things that don’t seem quite right but cannot put their finger on it. This results in depression or mood swings. Just a thought.

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