Does Nobody Else Here See the Damage That Psychiatric Drugs Cause to the Minds of the People Who Take Them?
Question by Shayna G: Does nobody else here see the damage that psychiatric drugs cause to the minds of the people who take them?
I’ve read several answers on this site to people’s questions about depression and such, telling them to take drugs. Psychiatric drugs are incredibly damaging to the mind. Is the “profession” of Psychiatry so good at deception that it actually has the public believing in these drugs so whole-heartedly that nobody else can see a better way? Is anyone even looking for a better way, or is it just easier to pop a pill and try to convince yourself that its working for you, regardless of the evidence that it isn’t working and the damage it causes? I guess my question is, does anyone out there agree with this assessment?
Best answer:
Answer by tridentoftime
why would anyone look for a better way when the world of healthcare is being wined and dined by the pharmaceutical market? Don’t trust you’r doctor, he or she has become nothing more than a common retail worker.
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