The Child Who Knew Too Much

The Child Who Knew Too Much
Filed under: Alcoholism

So, another Catholic priest has been arrested after police investigated an online child pornography ring in Sydney. The FBI has just freed 105 children from a child prostitution ring in the US. There is an increase in sexual abuse of indigenous kids in rural and outback Australia. Every day there se


In the Bar with Berryman
Filed under: Alcoholism

When I return from the bar the pistachios Are gone. They hang like clams in the long net Of his beard. He is apologetic, mortified; shakes his head in proud Abasement. To develop that image, which admittedly, I am unduly thrilled by: isn’t there something submarine about alcoholism? Trawl away, Pal.


Jobs – Review
Filed under: Alcoholism

This film’s biggest problem is that Ashton Kutcher’s portrayal of the title character uses the same presentation-like delivery for almost every scene. This approach works when he is actually doing a presentation, but it is simply a distraction when used in scenes where he is at home with his family.


A Dark Silence: grief, depression and the disappearance of faith
Filed under: Alcoholism

At the beginning of the year I developed severe pain in my neck and shoulder arising from damage I did to one of my cervical vertebra moving a font in church last October. Weeks on strong pain killers dulled my mind, and just as I was recovering to full pain free mobility again, at the end of March


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