Skins Tied for Top in NFL in PED Suspensions Since '11
The Dangers Of Alcohol Abuse in the News
Skins Tied for Top in NFL in PED Suspensions Since '11
Filed under: the dangers of alcohol abuse
Counting defensive end Jenkins and linebacker Jackson, six other Redskins have been suspended by the league for either PED use or substance abuse—eight Redskins players in 22 months, according to the Associated Press. In 2012, both cornerback Cedric …
Officials: Little known locally about earwax marijuana
Filed under: the dangers of alcohol abuse
Officials on Solano County's Alcohol and Drug Advisory board, say they know little about earwax marijuana — its nickname derived from its appearance — or its potential dangers. The night Josh was. (Times-Herald graphic/Lanz Christian Banes). under …
No reports of new 'alcohol smoking' trend locally
Filed under: the dangers of alcohol abuse
It seems the new dangerous trend of “smoking” alcohol, currently sweeping the Internet and nation, has not yet become a problem in the local area. Teenagers and young adults across the state and country have been experimenting with and posting their …
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