
Filed under: Alcoholism

With mere days remaining in Oaxaca, I was afraid that we would leave this state and not see the fruit of God’s labor here. However, the Lord had other plans. We were told in three separate instances that we should go to a certain village, which is further in the mountains. So we decided to go on Tue


Health Problems In Cats – Family – Pets
Filed under: Alcoholism

It may well come to be a surprise, should you be a new kitty owner, a large number of health problems may well befall your own feline friend. Some complications usually are quickly preventable, when will be hereditary. Hairballs Hairballs are between essentially the most popular of cat wellness prob


The brain’s response to sweets may indicate risk for development of alcoholism
Filed under: Alcoholism

Several human and animal studies have shown a relationship between a preference for highly sweet tastes and alcohol use disorders. Furthermore, the brain mechanisms of sweet-taste responses may share common neural pathways with responses to alcohol and other drugs. A new study using functional magne


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