Addiction Signs and Symptoms: “Symptoms” of Being a Psychic Vampire????

Question by PunkPrincess: “Symptoms” of being a psychic vampire????
I appreciate the websites that people have posted but could you please post the actual “symptoms” on here? I have read some of the ‘symptoms’ online but it is too confusing. I have however noticed that I have a lot of the same things. These are my symptons: I am moody, I get very anxious and jumpy with a feeling of needing something I guess you could say but never finding something that makes me feel better, when I get into verbal fights I feel empowered a little more (that’s the best way I can describe this feeling) I get very tired for no aparent reason and dizzy at the same time, my eyes have gotten sensitive to the light, I’m psychic and very empathic, I have a a low immune system and I constantly get sick and I can see auras. I know that there are real vampires other wise I wouldn’t be asking this question and I have done research and my friend is a sang vampire. He has left on a trip for a while so I can’t ask him. I have been to a doctor and they have told me that nothing is wrong and they don’t know why this happens. I really want help on this and if you could email me please about it that would be cool but you don’t have to. Oh and would the changes I be experiencing such as the fact that I’m tired more and my appetite has changed be part of the awakening if I am one? I do not want anyone telling me there is no such thing I won’t pay attention to it anyways. I also put it under this category because I know its where more people will find it.
After the fight they do seem a little out of it, they just give up and say they don’t want to deal with it but I can tell they seem different.
This has nothing to do with Twilight either, honestly who can “sparkle in the sun”?
Just to mention, when I get in the verbal fights, the other person gives up because they seem to be getting tired and look and act tired. I on the other hand feel more empowered (best way to say it again).

Best answer:

Answer by SadharaSatguru

A psychic vampire is someone who drains others of their energy – those people we know who ware us out simply with their company. Most, if not all, are Not aware that they drain others.

Symptoms are generally being a negative soul, down, depressed etc.

If such folk affect you, then avoid them or be positive yourself, be well & focused on optimism.


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