Alcoholism: Regular Exercise Increases Your General Health, Promotes a Sense of Wellness and Directs Your Energy and Anxious Feelings Elsewhere!
Regular Exercise Increases Your General Health, Promotes A Sense Of Wellness And Directs Your Energy And Anxious Feelings Elsewhere!
Filed under: Alcoholism
Identifying the situation you are in might be and for each one imagine the worst possible scenario. Some of the causes of anxiety are living in a new home, loud noises effect they have on neurotransmitters that can play a role in anxiety. For example, if your anxiety is over going someplace you have …
Recovery Readings July 20
Filed under: Alcoholism
Just for today Step One “We admitted that we were powerless over our addiction, that our lives had become unmanageable.” Step One The First Step begins with “we,” and there’s a reason for that. There is great strength in making a verbal admission of our powerlessness. And when we go to meetings and …
Overlander’s Way
Filed under: Alcoholism
We weren’t intending to drive from the east coast to the center of Australia, but after getting to Cairns and Alice Springs/Darwin seemingly not too far away, we decided to do it. We took the Flinders/Barkly highway, aka The Overlanders Way, named so because that’s the route that trucks would take t …
Felix: A Cult Cartoon
Filed under: Alcoholism
Would Felix and other silent film era cartoons like Felix be considered “cult” films? In my final blog post, I will address this question using the “Cultographies’” definitions of “cult cinema.” Additionally, I will reflect on the value of Felix as a reflection of 1920’s “popular culture.” I think t …
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