Problems of Alcoholism: Of Booze and Man

Problems Of Alcoholism in the News

Of Booze and Man
Filed under: problems of alcoholism

Among the factors that influenced this tragedy were access to alcohol. It's sad to see such incidents happening in our country. Some of our footballers are prone to the occasional drinking habits but so far, we've not heard any players with alcoholism …


Pain on the Reservation
Filed under: problems of alcoholism

Despite the reservation's extraordinary problems with crime — alcohol and methamphetamine abuse are rampant, many of the tribe's youth are involved in gangs — its police force is absorbing more than a million dollars in cuts. “We're cut to the bone …


Addicts ADAPT to sober lifestyle in Coos County
Filed under: problems of alcoholism

Christine said she couldn't go back to her old job after her ordeal, but soon found herself earning a certificate from a two-year drug and alcohol counseling course. She said she's found fulfillment helping people facing issues that had clouded her past.


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