Alcoholics Do Recover (Some of Them)
Alcoholics Do Recover (Some of them)
Filed under: Alcoholism
The “seemingly hopeless state of body and mind” [1]from which the co-authors of “Alcoholics Anonymous” claim to have recovered and of which they write, is “Alcoholism.” In their perennial characterization, the “body” reference goes to (i) the physical damage that induces a craving; the “mind “refere …
Show Boat
Filed under: Alcoholism
When Jerome Kern and Oscar Hammerstein II’s “Show Boat” first opened in 1927, it was like nothing anyone had ever seen before. Based on the book by Edna Ferber, it was no light and frothy musical, but more of a musical melodrama, as it dealt with serious problems, more in the manner of an opera. The …
Underage drinking among close friends high indicator of futurealcohol use by black teens
Filed under: Alcoholism
Research led by University of Southern California (USC) professorMary Ann Pentz, Ph.D., shows that black middle school studentswhose close friends drink alcohol are more likely to drink alcoholin high school than their white classmates. The study, which appears in the September-October 2011 issue of …
Happy 90th Birthday to Father Joe Whalen
Filed under: Alcoholism
“God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” – Serenity Prayer Fr. Joe praying over Bill Wilson’s grave, co-founder of AA, (Alcoholics Anonymous) in Dorset, VT Rev. Joseph F. Whalen, M.S. Fr. Joseph …
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